My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
Kids TV
1h50 | 2010 | G
In the magical land of Equestria, a kingdom populated by colourful ponies, unicorn Twilight Sparkle lives with her friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike. Residing in the village of Ponyville, together they learn about the powerful magic of friendship.
Ashleigh Ball, Andrea Libman, Tara Strong
More Information
© 2011 Hasbro Studios
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 4 - Applebuck Season
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 4 - Applebuck Season
It’s Applebuck Season in Ponyville and a short-handed Applejack is determined to complete the harvest all by herself.
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 5 - Griffon the Brush-off
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 5 - Griffon the Brush-off
Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash pal around playing pranks on the other ponies, but when Dash’s old friend Gilda the Griffon shows up, Pinkie Pie suddenly becomes a third wheel.
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 6 - Boast Busters
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 6 - Boast Busters
The arrival of Trixie, a boastful pony with magical skills, irritates the ponies in Ponyville who turn to Twilight to challenge her.
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 7 - Dragonshy
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 7 - Dragonshy
Fluttershy must convince a sleeping dragon to move out of town.
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 8 - Look Before You Sleep
My Little Pony – Friendship Is Magic S1
EP 8 - Look Before You Sleep
The ponies gather at Twilight’s for a slumber party.
EP 4 - Applebuck Season
2010 | 0h22
EP 5 - Griffon the Brush-off
2010 | 0h22
EP 6 - Boast Busters
2010 | 0h22
EP 7 - Dragonshy
2010 | 0h22
EP 8 - Look Before You Sleep
2010 | 0h22